Academic Success

Keys To Academic Success

Accept Responsibility

Remember that you alone are responsible for your academic achievement. Your instructor is your guide and your classmates may help you to understand your assignments; however, you are responsible for your own success.


Discipline yourself to study everyday at least two hours or until you understand your assignment. Study to know and to understand, not merely to get a particular grade.

Seek For Assistance

If you are not keeping up in class, do all that you can do to help yourself to improve your academic performance? (For example: increase your study time, form a study group, study with a partner, and use all support services available to you at ECOTES.) If you continue to experience difficulty, make an appointment with your instructors to talk about your academic performance.

Be Punctual

Avoid being absent or tardy. You are required to attend classes from the first day that classes begin for the semester. Good attendance will give you first-hand knowledge of your instructors' comments and responses to questions. Also, good attendance shows

Do No Quit!

Do not stop coming to class because of a personal crisis, problem, or frustration. ECOTES faculty and staff can help you determine how to manage or cope with these situations. The Coordinator of Academic Advisement can tell you the best resource on campus to help you. If you stop coming to class you will earn an "F," which will lower your GPA.

Use Support Services

Find out about ECOTES's support services and use them. (i.e., Academic Support Center, Student Support Services, Office of Academic Advisement, Office of Counseling and Testing, and Learning Support Counselors.)

Be Focused

Focus on your academic goals. As far as possible, eliminate negative influences and distractions that may prevent you from reaching your goal.

Be Dilligent

Do not slow down after mid-semester. Work harder than you did at the beginning of the semester. Sustain your hard work until the end of the semester.